- Evergrey, I'm sorry

Sitter och chattar med Johan just nu, och han nämnde gruppen Evergrey -som jag såklart inte visste vilka de var. Kikar in på youtube för att kolla upp detta, och gissa vad? Jag har förälskat mig i den här låten! Så klockrent stämmer den in på vad som en gång var att det är rent skrämmande.. Nästan som om jag skrivit denna text!

I painted a picture of you, 
your soul was red and your mind was blue.
Destiny laid a light on my creation.
This dream I had made a slave of my passion,
reality was always too far away.

And we were happy until it came too close one day.
Suddenly I faced the truth of my dream,
my love had only been a picture, a scene.
I suppose I needed to believe,
didn't want to see you had never been close to me.

But I'm sorry,
this illusion has caused you a lot of pain.
And I have no solution,
I'll try to never be back again.

I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry

I painted a picture of you.
My dream was a lie and the lie became truth.
Reality held his breath too long.
It's disgusting what dreams can do.

But I'm sorry,
this illusion has caused you a lot of pain.
And I have no solution,
I'll try to never be back again.

I'm sorry
I'm sorry

I'm sorry

I'm sorry

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